All articles in 3D printing

The Morse Moai statue project

NEWS FLASH – this project is now on Please go see it there and vote for it in the First Time Author contest 🙂

As a kid, I was very interested in Morse code. There were a few reasons for this – my father was in the Signal Corps during WW2 and his stories of how Morse was used in the war wee fascinating. I had a rather good ear for rhythms, so I learned the codes easily. Then there was the legendary Cub Scout Handbook, as used by Huey, Dewey and Louie. The Finnish publisher of Disney books actually produced one, and of course all ten-year-olds in Finland consumed it cover to cover. One feature of it were Morse codes. My best friend was very handy with electronics already at that age, so we set up a wire between our homes and Morsed our messages to each other.

Until the trash collector truck once ripped the wire.

But anyway – it occurred to me the other day that it’d be a nice feature to have something that would be able to take in text and turn it into Morse code, both audible and LED. Continue reading The Morse Moai statue project


Finding rotation speed using Arduino

Ooops, it’s been a while since I was last active here, sorry about that.

But to offer someting in retribution, here’s a device that can count revolutions or any other event that closes a switch, and tell you how many times that happens in a minute.

I have a need for this device, because I am building a dolly for timelapse images. The dolly has a 2m long worm screw that makes the dolly travel along an axis. If the trip takes, say, 3 hours, and the dolly carries a camera that is set to take an image every 5 seconds, we get a 3 x 60 x 20 image timelapse, ie. 4,800 images. With 25 images per second in a video, that gives you a 192 seconds, or, a little over 3 minute time lapse. During which the camera moves, you see, it’s not just a timelapse.

Continue reading Finding rotation speed using Arduino


Assembling a CoLiDo DIY 3D printer, part 1

Main parts
Main parts

As most of you know, I am not an engineer, despite my lofty ambitions of tinkering with all sorts of things.

So, the other day Jouko Lehtomäki from Suomen 3D-ratkaisut, the partner company of my university Haaga-Helia, brought us a brand new CoLiDo DIY printer in a crate. He said it’d be a piece of cake to assemble, and asked me to film a timelapse of the build. I fended off the task until one day I had no choice, I had to print something in PLA real quick, and the packed printer was the only one available. Continue reading Assembling a CoLiDo DIY 3D printer, part 1


Building a 2 way tiltable webcam stand

Hi again.

This time I thought I’d write up a little device I have put together with Arduino and printed parts so that I can point a webcam in two directions. (That’s the first use I thought of, after getting the idea of trying something with two 180° servos). To achieve this, I bought two potentiometers (adjustable resistors) and set up two servos to rotate the stand.

Here’s a little video of it in operation:

Continue reading Building a 2 way tiltable webcam stand
